Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions Day 5: Fitness

Today I'm linking up with Deedee from Mrs. Wills Kindergarten to dive into my fitness resolutions. As I've said before, I'm not a fitness buff, but I'm not a couch potato either...kind of somewhere in between. When it comes to working out though, I always choose to relax at home with my hubby instead of hitting the gym. There's NO so little free time and I would much rather spend it with him. However, this being a resolution post, I'm gonna pledge to change my ways! Hahaha!

1) Go to the gym more often
I absolutely hate going to the gym and using all the heavy equipment...dudes all around...staring at you...asking you how many reps you have left...HUH!?! I'll be done with the machine when my arms or legs get tired, man! It's a scaaawweee place for little old me. So, I just hit up the fitness classes instead. :) My fave is TKB at 24 Hour Fitness. It's an AMAZING cardio workout and the music they play is really fun too. My goal is 3x per week.

2) Ride my cruiser more often
Living about 1 mile from the beach leaves me NO excuse for not riding my beach cruiser out there. The strand along the beach is so nice and bike friendly...did I mention the weather is gorgeous too? I mean, it's almost January and it's 60 degrees out with plenty of sunshine today! So once again...NO EXCUSES! I want to make it a weekly thing with my hubby. You know, like ride our bikes out to the pier and get coffee or a bite to eat.

3) Be more conscience of what I eat
My hubby and I usually eat healthy since I do most of the cooking at home. It's way healthier to eat homemade food than to go out to restaurants around here. My goal is to REALLY cut down on my carb intake though...BUT I LOVE MY CARBS! I've been reading this great book called The 17 Day Diet that talks mostly about adjusting your intake of carbohydrates in accordance with whatever phase of the diet you are in. It basically limits your carb intake for 17 days and then slowly gives complex carbs back to you. It worked really well for me a few months back when I was getting ready for our wedding, but I got lazy and at the end of the 17 days I introduced all my carb friends back...instead of just the good ones. Darn pastas! But hey, we were in Italy and I was NOT gonna say no to the most delish food on the planet! ;)

-Mrs. Rossi

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