Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Currently!

It's heeeeerrrrrre!!! SPRING BREAK IS HERE!!!!! Can you tell how excited I am?! Let me fill you in on my April currently hosted by the most fabulous Farley I know! :) I apologize for all the Spring Break nonsense...to excited to filter.
Listening: We leave for Tokyo in T-23 hours!!! Gotta brush up on my Japanese!! Konnichiwa, ogenki desu ka? Test time...what does THAT mean my sweet friends?

Loving: Need I say more? Nope. Spring Break=bliss!

Thinking: I'm still in the midst of packing...I hate how OCD I am and make packing a complete chore. I mean, I MIGHT need those extra 3 pairs of shoes. What else will I wear when we climb Mount Fuji? JK. I am NOT a hiker.

Wanting: Look away, Christy!!! :( Japanese ramen! I can't wait to have a bowl as soon as we land! YUM!

Needing: Wine. I mean water. I'm thirsty.

Hours & Last Day: Hours at work are from 8-3:15. Pretty easy breezy. Our last day with students is the 12th, but I have to be back to work the following week for a 2-day Google Chromebook training. {YUCK} BUT I am hoping we can get Google certified during those days too!

Link up with Farley and share your April currently!


  1. Tokyo?!? I'm so jealous. I wish my Spring Break had been as adventurous. My hubby is Navy and among military peeps --- Japan is one of the most desired place to be. We never got there. [insert sad, frowny face here] I can't believe that with your plane taking off that soon, that you had time to blog. That sounds like something I would have done.

    Also, Cali? What part. We lived in Murrieta (outside of San Diego) not that long ago. I sure do miss the beautiful SoCal weather & fresh fruit stands!! teehee

    Enjoy your trip, friend!

    The ReddishBrown Crayon

  2. We just got back our SB trip to Boston! Have a nice trip! That sounds so COOL! My husband and I want to eventually visit every continent.

  3. Wow! Sounds like you have an amazing spring break planned. Have a wonderful trip!!

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  4. Enjoy your trip! I hope you have an amazing time!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  5. Enjoy your Spring break and your trip to Japan! I hope you blog about it!

    A Teachable Teacher

  6. Loved reading a little more about you! I agree, packing is hard. I never want to not have the "perfect outfit'! Like you, I only have a few days off at the end of school because I am teaching summer school. I am excited to teach it, but SUMMER is SUMMER! :) Have a blast on your trip!

  7. How exciting! Japan!! I can't wait to hear all about...you better post lots of photos. :)

    Fifth Grade Wit and

  8. Two days of training when you have summer on the brain is NO fun! Enjoy Tokyo!!!!
    Short and Sassy Teacher
