Friday, April 11, 2014

Five for Friday {Tokyo Edition}

Konnichiwa sweet friends! My Spring Break is coming to an end...wahhhhh! It was so short (isn't it always?!?) but I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with family and friends here in Japan. This Five for Friday is coming at ya from Tokyo!

 We started our Spring Break in Tokyo visiting our sweet Japanese grandmother or "Nonna" as my hubby likes to call her. I know it isn't what you'd normally call your grandmother in Japanese, but the Italian name stuck and so Nonna it is! She is the sweetest!

Cherry blossoms or Sakura as they call them in Japan are blooming! I am SOOOO glad we got to see them in full bloom since they are GORGEOUS! We definitely don't have these in SoCal!

The hubby and I spent our 2nd anniversary celebration in Hakone, Japan. We spent a few days enjoying the natural hot springs and loving the traditional onsen. Now, I have to admit that I wasn't looking forward to using the public baths...umm me naked with other women?? Nope. Thanks, but NO. Being a "westerner" the hubby booked us private baths instead of the traditional onsens. You can read all about those {HERE}. But I will say that I put my big girl pants on and tried the public one. I KNOW!!! Nobody really cares that you're in your birthday suit and it's all separated by you're just with girls. All-in-all, it was a different experience and now I can say I truly enjoyed the onsens!
This was one of the private baths you could reserve.
At our onsen, we got to wear traditional yukatas around the hotel. It's pretty neat seeing everyone wearing their robes at breakfast, dinner and around the onsen! :) Here we are trying to look cool wearing our yukatas!
 This is one of the little towns in Hakone. It reminds me of Cinque Terre in Italy with many little towns along the coast!

We also got to eat lots of traditional Japanese dishes at the onsen. This is what our dinners would look like! Oh yah...look at us and our fancy name cards! ;)
 What kind of trip would this be, if there wasn't any shopping!! I'll show more pics of all the CUUUUUTE Japanese shops in another post, but here I am in till I (or mostly the hubby) dropped!
And with this being my last day in Tokyo, I leave you with this looking like a sumo wrestler cause I just ate wayyyyy too much great food!!
Link up with Doodle Bugs and share your Five for Friday!!


  1. You are too cute! It looks like you had lots of fun. I'm glad you enjoyed your Spring Break.

  2. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun!! I can't wait to see more pictures!!!


  3. So glad you were able to enjoy spring break with your hubby!!! Your photos make me wanna visit Japan! Hope to see ya soon!

