Sunday, August 10, 2014

Back-to-School Survival Kit

Hello friends! The start of the school year is right around the corner...are you running around like a mad woman trying to get all your summer crafting/Pinterest projects done too?? Yup. That's me. Started a gazillion of them and am finally starting to wrap them up. Literally!
This year, I am so excited about having a brand-new teacher as part of our 3rd grade team! She is the most adorable and enthusiastic person ever and I'm lucky to be working with her. There's something about a new teacher that brings such happiness and positivity to a's refreshing!

So, one of my summer projects was  to create a little survival kit for her filled with cute little goodies that are meaningful to a new teacher. Don't worry, she already got her kit so I'm not ruining the surprise. :)
Back-to-School Survival Kit, sailing into second, blog

Here are some of the goodies inside!
Back-to-School Survival Kit, sailing into second, blog
Back-to-School Survival Kit, sailing into second, blog

And here's the little note that explains all the treats and goodies inside!

Back to School Survival Kit, Sailing into Second

Learned to make these cute wooden signs from my sweet friend Miss Kindergarten HERE!

If you'd like to create your own BTS Survival Kit, simply click on the two pictures below to download a free template for the label and detailed note! The last line is left blank, so you can personalize it with your school mascot or name!
Back-to-School Survival Kit, Sailing into Second, second grade blogger, back to school
Back-to-School Survival Kit, Sailing into Second, second grade blogger, back to school
What kinds of teacher gifts do you like to make for your teammates? I'd love to see!! Link up with Tara and show your Monday Made It!


  1. So cute! You make me want to craft again! We need a crafting date soon :)

  2. This is adorable, as always!
    Ps. I spy a new design ;) LOVE IT.

  3. Adorable! She's a lucky little lady for getting that kind of prezzie!!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  4. So cute! I love putting together little gift baskets, esp. when they have adorable sayings :)

  5. How adorable is this?! I would be tickled to pieces to get this:) So cute! Thanks for sharing and linking up your cuteness!!!!!

    4th Grade Frolics
