Saturday, January 26, 2013

Five for Friday...or Saturday?

Hi all! Today I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to post 5 random things from this week...I'm kinda late since it's not Friday, but better late then never, right?!?
1) Since we had Monday off and it was almost 80 degrees, the hubby and I decided to have our lunch at the beach! Best Monday ever!
2) Our AR Pajama and Movie Night was yesterday at school! It was so fun to see our kids relax with their friends, having popcorn and pizza, and best of all...they got to wear PJ's! 
3) I made this DELISH baked potato soup...sans the potatoes...but maybe only 1 was in it! ;) I found this awesome recipe online that trimmed almost all the fat of a traditional loaded baked potato soup...just by using cauliflower instead of potatoes! It was a hit!
4) I've been busy getting all our 100th Day celebration stuff ready for Tuesday! It's right around the corner!!!
5) First of all, I LOVE my Scotch Thermal Laminator! It's seriously one of my most used tools at school! This week, I've been laminating like crazy getting all our February & March centers ready and making space for the old ones.

 Have a wonderful weekend! :)
-Mrs. Rossi

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