Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fabulous Freebies on the 15th!

Happy Saturday! I'm linking up with my sweet friend Molly from Lucky to Be in First for her Fabulous Freebies Linky! Who doesn't love freebies?? Make sure to check out all the great freebies from your favorite bloggy friends!
Today I'm sharing a fun word making activity you can use this coming week for St. Patty's Day! There are 3 different word creating sheets, so take your pick. :)
Just click on any of the pictures above to grab your free copy of the activities. Easy-peasy, my sweet friends! Well, the 78 degree weather is calling my name! The hubby and I are out to enjoy some California sun at the beach! Have a great Saturday and come back TOMORROW for a fun March giveaway hosted by my friends at D.J. Inkers and I!

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