Monday, March 3, 2014

March Centers & Desktop Organizer Revisited!

Today's post will be a quick one...sore throat, sneezing, coughing, achy all over...I'm a walking advertisement for Robitussin. I love when my kids share things with me...just not their germs. :(

Today I'll share with you one of my most favorite things in the whole wide desktop organizer! I received a few requests to share how my desktop stays organized amongst all the chaos that is creating products and activities for my kids. If you've regained control of your computer desktop from my last post, you are good to go! No need to download again since it's the same one from my last post on all things organized. :)

In January, I shared I that was always saving downloads, pictures, files, EVERYTHING to my desktop first, thinking that eventually those files will make their way to a nicely organized folder. Key in...very rare. So, I had to come up with a way to keep everything nice and tidy so I could access all the files I needed at my fingertips quickly. So I came up with this template! 
My organized desktop!
With labels ready to go!
Graphics by Sugar Studios Sugar Studios
Fonts by KG Fonts

Simply click on the images above to download this jpg. Then set the image as your desktop background! Easy peasy! 

I've also been working hard to give my March centers a mini face lift. :) Just a few fun fonts and some clip art changes. Check it out at my TpT shop or click on the image below! They will be on sale today and tomorrow!

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