Friday, May 2, 2014

May Currently!

Please go away, 90 degree weather. You are NOT welcome in Redondo Beach...that is until June 14th when I can lay out and get a nice tan.

On a happier note, I'm linking up with my sweet friend Farley for her super fun currently! I always love reading up on what's new on everyone's blog. :)
Listening: to the humming coming from my's about 88 degrees up in this place and I am not equipped for this weather!

Loving: my diver writing craft I did with my kids today! It's from Hope King's Ultimate End of the Year Writing Bundle found HERE. It is filled with great end of the year stuff! Here's a little sneak peek of my open house project!
Thinking: about open house! I have 2 weeks to get all the stuff on my list crossed off. I absolutely LOVE the feeling of crossing off a task on a list! Nerd alert!

Wanting: an air conditioned apartment. See listening section above for the reason. :(

Needing: a date night with my hubby! April and May are going to be crazy, but I can't wait to spend this summer traveling with him! Love you, darling!

Surprise: Have you read my friend Chelsea's blog 5th Grade Wit and Whimsy? She has the greatest posts on all things 5th grade! Go and give her blog some love!
Go link up with Farley and share your May Currently!


  1. Girlie, you are SO not alone at loving the feeling of crossing things off a list. I sometimes add things onto my list that I already completed...just so I can cross something off right away. #MajorNerdAlert!!!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  2. I love to-do lists too!!!! Sometimes I even add something on my to-do list that I already did, just so I can cross it off. Ha!

    I love the diver craft, so cute! Your bulletin board looks amazing. I can't wait to see Open House pictures!

    A Teachable Teacher

  3. No air conditioner? I'd be dying! It gets up into the 100's here in Texas and right now its in the high 80's. Bless you friend! Love those writing crafts! Isn't Hope the best?

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade
