Sunday, August 3, 2014

August Currently

August already?!? Back to school?! I feel like this little gal...start at 30 seconds and you'll see why! I don't want to go baaaaack!

I'm linking up today with my sweet friend Farley for her monthly currently!
Listening: To the Wicked Soundtrack! Anyone else obsessed?! Here is a pic from last week when the hubs and I went to go see it on Broadway!
Loving: My new blog design that will be featured on my very own website with my own domain!! is coming soon, my friends! Here's a little peek! What do you think??
Thinking: About all the things I have to start doing before we go back to work! What are some things you're working on in the classroom?
Wanting: My fave soy green tea latte! If you haven't tried one yet, you should definitely go to Starbucks and grab one! YUM!
Needing: Definitely needing a gel mani and pedi! All that walking in NYC took a toll on my feet!
1st Day: This will be me very soon...see video above! ;)
Link up with Farley and share your August currently!


  1. I also am in need of a mani/pedi! Such a nice way to sit and relax, especially with school just around the corner!
    Enchanting Elementary

  2. Soy green tea latte sounds amazing! Sounds like I'm off to Starbucks in the morning!

    Sweet Tea and Second Grade

  3. That video is AMAZINGGGGG! So true! I love Wicked too-I saw it in LA a few years ago. I think my mom and I are going to go see in New York this fall. Have a great week!
    Ramona Recommends

  4. Your new blog design is adorable. Love the color scheme. Good luck with your start back to school!

  5. Loving your new blog design. TCBOTB did mine too. They rock! :)

    Enjoy the last of summer!
